

Most of the configuration is available from “Settings” after you have logged in as an admin user. Even so, there are some settings that can be tweaked when starting Convos.

$ CONVOS_HOME=/var/convos ./script/convos daemon


You can make convos listen to a variety of addresses:

# Listen on all IPv4 interfaces
$ ./script/convos daemon --listen http://*:8080

# Listen on all IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces
$ ./script/convos daemon --listen "http://[::]:8000"

# Listen on a specific IPv4 and IPv6 interface
$ ./script/convos daemon \
  --listen "" \
  --listen "http://[::1]:8080"

# Listen on HTTPS with a default untrusted certificate
$ ./script/convos daemon --listen https://*:4000

# Use a custom certificate and key
$ ./script/convos daemon --listen \

# Make convos available behind a reverse proxy
$ CONVOS_REVERSE_PROXY=1 ./script/convos daemon \

See CONVOS_REVERSE_PROXY for more details about setting up Convos behind a reverse proxy.

Configuration parameters


Can be set to any class name that inherit from Convos::Core::Backend.

Default: Convos::Core::Backend::File


This variable decides how many seconds to wait between each user to connect to a chat server. The reason for this setting is that some servers will set a permanent ban if you “flood connect”.

Default: 4


Setting this variable to a true value will print extra debug information to STDERR. Another useful debug variable is MOJO_IRC_DEBUG which gives you IRC level debug information.


This variable is used by Convos::Core::Backend::File to figure out where to store settings and log files.

Default: $HOME/.local/share/convos/

This variable is used for invite and password recovery links, and specifies how many hours the link will be valid for. Not however that when a link is used (after a new user is registered or changed the password), then link will instantly become invalid.

Default: 24.


This value can be used to specify where Convos should write the log messages to. This settings has no default value which makes Convos write the log to STDERR.


Set this variable to specify the max size in bytes of a file that is uploaded to Convos. See also the FAQ, in case your Convos installation runs behind a reverse proxy.

Default: 40000000 (40MB)


A list (comma separated) of perl modules that can be loaded into the backend for optional functionality. Example

$ CONVOS_PLUGINS=My::Cool::Plugin,My::Upload::Override ./script/convos daemon


The CONVOS_REVERSE_PROXY environment variable can be used to enable proxy support, this allows Mojolicious to automatically pick up the X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP headers.

Note that setting this environment variable without a reverse proxy in front will be a security issue.

The FAQ has more details on how to set up Convos behind a reverse proxy server.